Paige’s Story

Finding Joy after experiencing the Death of a Loved One requires Conscious Healing

Finding Joy after experiencing the Death of a Loved One requires Conscious Healing

Turning Pain into Purpose

Paige's 23-year-old son, Bryan, transitioned to Spirit in 2008, but he did not die in vain. He left behind a legacy of love and compassion that continues to touch the lives of people around the world. Paige and Bryan work together now, with him in spirit and her in physical, to help others transcend the pain of their grief.

Paige has taught spiritual grief healing since Bryan’s untimely passing. She has studied and is certified in many modalities, including Usui Reiki, Holy Fire® III Reiki, Crystal Reiki Training, Intuitive Grief Coaching, Grief Recovery Method® Coaching, Mary Morrisey Dreambuilder® Life Coaching, Crystal Energy Healing, Grief Movement Training, and Numerology Life Purpose Coaching.

Paige is passionate about helping people through difficult times and loves seeing them grow and blossom into their true selves. She believes nothing is more vital than the human spirit and works hard to help people find their inner strength when they feel they have none left.

She does this through the many classes she teaches, Reiki healing treatments, online grief and healing circles, in-person retreats, guided meditations, written articles, and books. Paige also channels beautiful messages from those in Spirit related to the many challenges of grief. Her compassion and understanding of grief allow her to connect with grieving people of all ages and all types of grief. Combined with her raw vulnerability and friendly and fun attitude, she provides ease and comfort for her students to be present and confident in their learning.

Paige is passionate about helping grieving people move forward with hope and peace. She has an exceptional gift for assisting others to find their path and passion in life and is committed to teaching them how to move to the other side of their pain, where they can create a life filled with love, joy, abundance, and happiness. She has developed a unique approach that combines Reiki energy work with intuitive coaching techniques to help people heal their heart wounds so they can consciously move through the grieving process with love.

Paige has been featured on numerous summits, radio shows and podcasts in the US and internationally, including the Mourning to Light Summit, Messages of Hope with Suzanne Giesemann and Grief to Rebirth with Irene Weinberg, where she discussed her experiences with Bryan’s passing and how they helped her understand more about life after death.

I believe that we are capable of releasing our pain attached to the death of our loved one. I believe that when we choose LIFE, there are no limits to what we can do. I believe that we absolutely can live a life full of love, peace, happiness and purpose again. I believe that the more we live our dreams, the more we ignite the world to do the same.

Paige's Life work continues

Paige lives with her husband in Idaho, where she puts her passion for nature and gardening to good use. She takes every opportunity to be outdoors and loves to hike the many trails in the spectacular hills and foothills near her home. Her clients are her friends and family. She is a warm and inviting person with a wealth of knowledge about grief and loss. She approaches her work with the hope that she can help others move through their own grief process with grace, ease, and confidence.